Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 18-25, 2012 Itinerary and Topics

Celebrity Eclipse Feb 18 – 25, 2012

Obeah - Black Magic or Voodoo?

Earth and Spirit – Medicinal and Healing Wisdom of the Caribbean

The people of the Caribbean have a long history of utilizing the native plants of the islands in the treatment and prevention of illness.  Puerto Rico’s national forest, El Yunque, a 28,000 acre reserve, boasts more trees than all other US national parks combined.  It is here in the heart of this immense biodiversity that age old traditional healing practices are found.  Learn how modern medicine relies on ancient wisdom.

Spice Pirates of the Caribbean –  Har, Har Maties, Be There Nutmeg?

Nutmeg, revenue source for the islands
Pirates are generally associated in this region of the world for their treachery, thievery and downright obsession with gold and valuables.  This may well have been the case, but their obsession didn’t end with riches.  Spices made their way to the Caribbean often in less than respectable ways, and left under even more despicable conditions.  Captain Jack Sparrow would have been proud.

Faces, Fabrics and Food – The Colors of the Forest

Indigo dye vats
Carmine, blue or vibrant yellow, the Caribbean forests yield every color of the rainbow and more.  Natural dyes have been incorporated in every aspect of ancient and modern life in this region of the world.  Pigments for cosmetic adornment, war paint, textiles, arts and crafts, and even for food abound on these islands.  Discover the many uses of local plants in the fabric of local Caribbean life.

Plants of Ill Repute – The Caribbean’s Naughty and Not So Nice Flora

Elixirs, special potions, drugs, stimulants and, indeed, even aphrodisiacs have played a role in human behavior and spirituality since the dawn of time.  The Caribbean is one of the exceptional regions of the world where the range of plant life and a diversity of culture steeped in superstition makes for an excellent mixture of myth, magic and a bit naughty also!
Momordica - great for diabetes